Friday, June 8, 2012

Was ist Reisefieber?

Reisefieber: RYE•sah•fee•ber
This compound word combines Reise (“travel, trip, journey”) and Fieber (“fever”). It denotes the excitement one may feel in anticipation of an upcoming trip. 

This title, recommended by my Grandmother, describes exactly what I am feeling as I wait to be thrown into a completely new culture in a country that speaks a language I don't understand. 

My name is Michael Fournier and I am participating in a year abroad exchange program to Germany through AFS for the 2012-2013 school year, my Senior year of high school. At the current moment, I don't know too much about the details of this fantastic experience that lies before me. In fact,  I don't even know yet where in Germany I am going! Regardless of the lack of information I have at the moment, I know that spending a year anywhere in Germany will be a huge change from Shelburne, VT, the town I have lived for practically my whole life. 

As time goes on, I will update this blog to keep family and friends up to date with what's going on in my life as I fight to adapt as quickly as I can to the German way of life.

As I learn the German language, I plan on writing these blog entries in German in order to maintain my German immersion . I apologize in advance for those who don't speak German, and I do realize that the people who don't speak German are going to be the vast majority of the people who read this blog. My advice to those in that predicament is to use Google Translation.

In conclusion of this blog entry, I would like to share with you a video by Der Toten Hosen, a German punk band from the 1980's whose name translates as "The Dead Pants". The song is called Riesefieber, and it is the first thing that pops up on Google when you search the title of my blog. I'm not a fan of this song personally, but I guess this is the type of music I'll be hearing next year. Enjoy...

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