Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I find the whole music scene in Germany pretty comical. Most of the time radio stations play American hits. However, these are not the songs that are popular in the United States now, but rather tunes at the top of iTunes download lists three to six months ago. Remind me again, when was Price Tag by Jessie J popular in America? Songs currently hot in the US, such as Some Nights by Fun, haven’t even made their way over here yet. Perhaps I should jump on this opportunity and become Celle’s music guru and use magic - no B.o.b pun intended (another popular song here) - to predict what songs will become popular in a couple of months. For those curious, yes, Germany is still in the "We love Adele" phase. Having said that, not all music here is foreign. Germany is a country of 80 million, so naturally they have their own artists and bands. A couple of the most popular bands I’ve discovered are Cro and Casper. Unfortunately, Bushido isn’t as popular as I thought before moving here a few weeks ago. German songs, in general, don’t flow very well, thanks to all the hard sounds in the German language. So, in order to compensate, German performers resort to throwing seemingly meaningless English phrases or verses into their songs. Have a listen for yourself...


  1. I would probably listen to Dubstep if I was there. I feel bad that you have to go back through the Adelle phase experiencing it once was bad enough:)

    1. They are certainly into the electric house music over here too. Check out Culcha Candela. They're very popular and they are German.

  2. Eh, not bad, pretty good.Kinda sounds like regge.

  3. I liked the KRIS song, "I play my music in the sun." The passion for things American was beyond blatant -- filmed in America with an English sub-chorus and an embedded American tune (Space Cowboy). Upbeat & Catchy.

  4. Hate to break the news, Michael, but Adele is still going strong here. Her new single, "Skyfall" was the #1 download overnight. I think it's the theme to the new James Bond flick.
