Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Imagine Dragons in Köln

A week ago my entire host family and I went to Köln (Cologne for you Americans...) to see an Imagine Dragons concert and sightsee in one of the four German cities with a population over 1,000,000. I received tickets as a Christmas gift, so I had been looking forward to this for a long time. Not only did I get to see a band that I'm a big fan of, but I also got my first taste of the giant and sprawling urban area that takes up much of the German state called North Rhein-Westphalia.

We left on Friday morning and after making our way through traffic, we arrived at our basic, but very spacious hotel. We unloaded our things and headed off to a Mexican restaurant selected just for me by Anita, my host mother. After leisurely eating our assorted Mexican specialties, including my monster burrito, we were ready for the concert. I expected this concert to be in a large concert hall with 15,000 people, but it was actually in a small nightclub-looking venue with only about 1,500 people, even though I could've sworn there were only a couple hundred people there. The small size was very surprising due to the current positioning of their songs on the charts. The concert hall was hot, crowded and energetic, just what you would expect. Imagine Dragons didn't disappoint either, mirroring the crowds energy with a wild display of drumming to start off the show. The concert was very enjoyable from start to end. 

The concert wasn't the only reason for our trip to Köln. Köln itself is a very nice city and we all thought we would take the majority of the next day to see what there is to see. Köln's old city on the Rhein River was a perfect place to spend the day. The cathedral, giant bridge spanning the river, the chocolate museum, and the famous shopping street gave us plenty to see. Even though it was a short trip, I had an amazing time. I'm grateful to the Pünder family for making this experience possible!