Monday, December 10, 2012


Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday dear Michael,
Happy birthday to me.

Admittedly, this is a day late, but I had no time to update my blog on my birthday yesterday. Yesterday I celebrated my 18th birthday just the way I wanted to, and on top of that I received the best present I could ever have asked for. For me, the festivities began on Saturday. I've know for about a month that Middlebury College would release their Early Decision admission decisions on December 8th at 8:00am EST or 2:00pm here in Germany. That date and time came Saturday as I sat with my IPhone in hand and fingers crossed in Müller Cafe in Celle. At the correct time I signed into the designated web page with my username and password. It loaded. The first word I saw, "Congratulations", caused me to exclaim "I got it!" I ran outside, forgetting that it was frigid outside and leaving my coat on my chair to call my family and friends to tell them the news. That was my first birthday gift. 

I was on a high all-day Saturday and the fun and excitement continued into my birthday on Sunday. My day included two delicious cakes baked by my host mother, Hannover 96 tickets, new boots, gloves, a little spending money and also a Middlebury College sweatshirt. I guess my family was confident that I would get in! My day ended with Mexican food at Sombrero in Celle. In the United States I probably eat Mexican once or twice a week and last night was the first time I've eaten this cuisine in three months. It was just what I wanted. Thank you to EVERYONE that helped make my birthday special. Go Panthers!